Today is Sunday as most of you know and I had an interesting experience today while I was sitting in Relief Society. For most of the summer I have been pondering whether to go on a mission or to stay around and keep dating.
Last night as I was somewhat arguing with my mom something she said kind of hit me in a soft place. She said, "You are seeming to loose focus of what you want while you date someone.". And you know she has been so right! I dated Kyle after I made the choice to serve a mission, and I did kind of loose sight of what I wanted. Then when that went down in the dust, I got refocused for about 2 weeks and then I met another guy that I have had and still have interest in. I mean the only real thing I guess is that I do loose my focus on what I want. But this scripture has helped a lot and if you have a moment to read should it's a great scripture if you are feeling down. Matthew 11: 28-30
The Modern Day Revelation that I received today for myself was that I got an over whelming feeling that a mission is where I am needed the moment I am worthy to go.
While I was sitting through my meetings in church today no matter what the feeling or the thought that entered my mind, it always lead me back to the choice to serve a mission. It is the only way that I will truly be happy with myself. Every talk that was given and every lesson just gave me more of a confirmation that I need to serve my Father in Heaven. In I think it was in Sunday School that we read a passage that hit me with so much force, and it was that in the early days of the church that missionaries where sent to the British Ilse, and to the Australian Continent, and if people that had just been baptized into the church can serve a mission then I can do it too. This next paragraph is one that I have thought over for a while and it's now me.
I hope they call me on a mission,
When I have grown a foot or two, I hope by then I will be ready
to teach and preach and work as missionaries do.
I hope that I can share the gospel
With those who want to know the truth I want to be a missionary
And serve and help the Lord while I am in my youth
Here at the end of my thoughts I wanted to bear my Testimony that God lives and that His son Jesus Christ Lives, and that he bled and died that I might live again. I know that it is only through the atoning sacrifice that I will be able to return and live with my Heavenly Family again. I know that Joseph Smith is and was a Prophet of God, and that through him he restored the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the Earth in this Dispensation. I know that the Book of Mormon is the true words of God and that it leads us in our lives that we may find true and everlasting happiness. I know that the sacred ordinances that are preformed in the temple are amazing and life changing and I can't wait for the day that I will be able to go there and be sealed for time and all eternity. I know that Thomas S. Monson is a living prophet on the Earth today and that he leads this church with the power bestowed on him by our Father in Heaven. I know that if we follow the commandments and endure to the end we will achieve happiness in this life and in the here after. I say this with all the conviction in my heart, in the name of our Savior Jesus Christ Amen. Then next is just a continuation of my testimony enjoy!
I believe in Christ; he is my King! With all my heart to him I’ll sing; I’ll raise my voice in praise and joy, In grand amens my tongue employ. I believe in Christ; he is God’s Son. On earth to dwell his soul did come. He healed the sick; the dead he raised. Good works were his; his name be praised.
I believe in Christ; oh blessed name! As Mary’s Son he came to reign’Mid mortal men, his earthly kin, To save them from the woes of sin. I believe in Christ, who marked the path,Who did gain all his Father hath,Who said to men: “Come, follow me, That ye, my friends, with God may be.”
I believe in Christ—my Lord, my God! My feet he plants on gospel sod. I’ll worship him with all my might; He is the source of truth and light. I believe in Christ; he ransoms me. From Satan’s grasp he sets me free, And I shall live with joy and love In his eternal courts above.
I believe in Christ; he stands supreme! From him I’ll gain my fondest dream; And while I strive through grief and pain,His voice is heard: “Ye shall obtain.” I believe in Christ; so come what may, With him I’ll stand in that great day When on this earth he comes again To rule among the sons of men.