So here it is, the title of my post is the way I have been feeling since about 2 weeks ago Wednesday...As most of you can see I have been completely heart broken! You know what I absolutely can NOT stand is when a guy that likes you and says so, turns around and starts dating someone not even a week later. Now you tell me I just finally getting sensitive? Or am I just a big freakin BABY!?!? Let me tell you the story.. because I am still in a bit of shock!
So the end of May I started to date Kyle, he was amazing an RM, active in the church, sweet, caring, and an all around good guy... OR SO I THOUGHT! So we dated for a while just casually, nothing to crazy then one night he asked me to be his girlfriend and I was sooo excited! A couple weeks later he texted me and said "I need to talk to you about something" Now being the girl that I am the threw a huge RED flag at my face. So I went to talk to Kyle and everything seemed fine. He had told me that he really liked me still and really enjoyed all the time he spent with me but he just wanted to be sure that he really wanted to date me as seriously as it seemed we were I guess. So I agreed and thought everything would work out and that I would date some just to see how it went. I didn't hear from Kyle for like 4 days so I just blew it off. Then Jaclyne and I went country swing dancing at the Fun Park and I glanced over to my left and lo and behold there was Kyle and I got all excited! Just as I was about to tell Chelsie that Kyle was there I realized that he was with another GIRL!!!!!! Yeah that is right another girl! WOW!!!!! I ignored him all night and then later texted him just to conferm my suspisions. I WAS RIGHT! She was HIS girlfriend!! WHAT?! A girlfriend and we hadn't even been apart a week? K, so maybe I am over reacting but it hurt so bad. And you know what is interesting...I'm totally ok with it now. I'm over him! ...well kinda.... Just frustration.. I give up on dating it gets me NO WHERE!!
peace Kae