So today I was deep in thought when I realized that I spend far too much time on the computer and that especially includes Facebook…I wanna pose some questions out there and maybe I can figure them out.
1.What is so enticing about the whole Facebook idea?
2. Why do we spend all of our time on a page where all we do is stare mindlessly at other people’s pictures?
3.Why do we take quizzes that supposedly tell us what kind of kisser, Disney character, what our eyes mean ect…
Anyone have any ideas? Is it because I have no life and I find it more interesting to see how much fun other peoples lives are? I guess so because I spend all my time doing that than taking my time to go and have a life all of my own…kind of stupid don’t you think? I would like some suggestions on how to improve my life…
Now for the other things that I have been thinking about. There is a song by Michael Jackson that I heard this week that has really hit me hard in life and made me think. Yes, it was preformed by the “King of Pop” but before you judge just listen to me for one moment ok…It’s called “You Are Not Alone”. Last night as I drove home from an extremely long night at work I listened to this song and due to the recent events in my life this song not only is a song about two people who love each other, but it also took on a spiritual meaning to me. It reminded me that my Savior Jesus Chris is always there for me, and he wants me to know that he loves me. Now before you harp on me to the fact that what was I thinking to put our Savior’s name and Michael Jackson’s name in the same paragraph…just take into consideration that maybe you haven’t heard the song and don’t understand the impact it has on my life. J I love this song and it not only makes me happy but it also brings me comfort. J
The next item of business…Who do you think would turn on a child and make them feel less than dirt? Well to most of us in the World you would think that only someone who doesn’t love children and has only their own best interests at heart….well I have a total shocker for most of you…this week my dad surpassed that! In one week my sister has shed more tears of sorrow and hurt that I thought was ever possible. Let me just ask a question really quick, What kind of communication skills do you expect a 13 year old to have? Since when has your new spouse taken precedence to your children? Why do would you think that a parent would side immediately with their new spouse over their children? Since when is the word of a 40 year old better than a 13 year old who doesn’t lie? Sorry for all the questions but I don’t understand how someone that is supposed to love you constantly turn their back and make a child feel as thought they are just dirt under your shoe…! I’m lost!
I think for this session I have said my peace but don’t worry there is still more to come! J